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Member since last year

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7 months ago

not the usual thought to post here, especially considering the point of the academy (and that it is still in development), but along with the tasks and and the incentives, it would be helpful to have some resources on, well, how to achieve those goals, especially ones that could require more courage one does not have yet (which may or may not include posting pictures of one’s self online).

Size measurements in order to help buy something that actually fits or how to train yourself with a dildo and/or a cage without injuring yourself at the start. Maybe guides on makeup and exercise (with notes saying that this is obviously not professional advice) could also super help.

But maybe I am overthinking all of this.


7 months ago

Definitely a reasonable request!

I’ve been quite slack on adding new features to the site, really been pulled in a lot of directions due to work and other things happening in my life. But, I agree, a knowledge base about these kinds of things would be great.

Do you have anything that I could get it started with? I’m really not that qualified to write about a lot of this stuff.


5 months ago

Apologies for the late reply, life has been busy.

While I don’t have that many resources on hand, there one that I can confirm is very useful, for example, is the /chastegen/ FAQ for cages works very well, amassing some visual guides from youtube or big image written guides along with with the goals can also help. I believe that others should be able to contribute given the option to (or a button to submit a guide). This is the kind of thing that ends up being a community effort.